Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Malaysians Unite for Road Safety Day 090909

MUFORS is a community project that was set up not only to empower you, the Rakyat, to voice out your thoughts and concerns on road safety in the country but more importantly as a platform for all of us to take a minute to think about how we as road users can do our part to making our roads safer for all.

"Malaysians Unite for Road Safety" Day will fall on 9th September, 2009 (090909). In conjunction with MUFORS 090909, we are calling on all Malaysians to make a pledge on how to reduce accidents and save lives, and to honour these pledges on Wednesday, the 9th of September, 2009 between the hours of 9:00am-to-9:00pm. Our fervent hope is that these pledges honoured over a 12-hour period will transform into a lifetime of change.

Isn't it time we took matters into our own hands? Let's start taking responsibility for our own actions and pledge to save lives, our own and that of others, today. Let Malaysians Unite for Road Safety!

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